
Sustainable Approach for smar and green city

.. every municipal need to acknowledge the fact that proper structure, experts outline and team with proper time line can make these things possible. Proper budgeting and continuous supervision can turn the condition to wonders and can turn the real beauty and management in short span...

"....Actually he was explaining that if you have everything within 2-3 KM.."

 Long ago, one of the professors from USA was in his visit to Kathmandu and after his visit in Kathmandu, he made me aware that he found Kathmandu the most beautiful and a place with lots of potential. He was explaining that our ancestors were the real architect and during the roundabout around basantapur to ranipokhari, he saw market place, vibrating Dharahara and lots of public Dhungedhara and parti around and Tudikhel, Bir hospital and Durbar school and lots more and he said to be Kathmandu indeed is the smart city, I was amused to hear that, actually his explanation changed the way of seeing the place from that instant. Actually he was explaining that if you have everything within 2-3 KM which is walkable distance and if every facilities are encompassed within the boundary than we call it to be the smart city, he was saying its just the management that you are lacking behind and that management can lead you to managed, Smart and Green city. Indeed, our country is blessed by so many wonders but due to lack of proper care we are still dragged by many ambiguity and recent election have just initiated a new small wave which can turn to be storm at any instant.
Before that we also need to come up with some soft and solid plan which can render the real impact to the country and it’s the best time to reflect the spectrum of right person at the right place. Looking into the current scenario its imperative to understand that some of the action need to be taken in term of traffic management, Parking management, Waste management, Water Efficiency enhancement, Air Quality Management, Energy Efficiency and Management, Open space and Recreational center establishment, Prompt work and facilities in government office and public places, Enhancement in Education quality, Awareness and campaign among public, Enhancement of Employment opportunities, Tourism development, Old heritage reflection and preservation, Enhancement in green public vehicles, Open internet accessibility , Security enhancement and mobile patrolling for ensuring management of different sectors. If every city can take care of this things and make concrete plan for workable action for each up listed thing than we wouldn’t be bounded by anything, our city can racket for development pace. Before, every municipal need to acknowledge the fact that proper structure, experts outline and team with proper time line can make these things possible. Proper budgeting and continuous supervision can turn the condition to wonders and can turn the real beauty and management in short span. Every up listed component needs to have smart and dynamic team who can come up with local solution considering the global action. For proper traffic management, effective use of traffic lights, CC camera monitoring facilities, assigning of one way for small roads, identification of enough diversion, proper channeling of unplanned parking, Priority and scientific based vehicle movement system, astute and priories use of public vehicles etc can help tremendously to settle this traffic problems. For parking problems, we can come up with multi storied parking system in each 1 km area, underground free parking in public places and underground parking in open space, free underground parking in every commercial areas and identification of such areas and effective implementation can help to address this problem tremendously. In extreme condition, even high-rise bridge with parking facilities can be incorporated. For effective waste management, segregation of waste and inspiring every individual to convert organic waste to fertilizers, use of advance devices to convert waste to fertilizers and other recycling materials to be incorporated in each wada of the city. For addressing water waste, each house needs to adopt strict septic tank and linking the septic tank to water source need to be stopped and punished, separate sewage treatment plant in each wada need to be incorporated which can help tremendously in long run. For water management, ground recharging system in each 500 m need to be built up and preservation of water catchment areas need to be boosted up along with strengthening pre existing facilities. Air quality is another major trouble and for that strict rules for old vehicles, greenery in open space, side of the road and each house need to incorporate at least planting of two tresses in their premises. The use of solar power for each house need to be boosted up and identification of open space along with underground facilities need to be developed which can be used for recreation center, parking and many more. Prompt, planned and scientific work structure need to be adopted by every government office to render the quality service to the public. Quality education in public school, scientific management of fee in every institution, quality education parameters and its enhancement need to be done for stopping any kind of ambiguity in future. Awareness and regular campaign about the rules and regulation of the areas, bye laws to be followed by each and its merits and demerits to individual, to family and to society need to be taken care of. Proper channeling with enough package for tourist needs to be flashed up where quality, services and reliability would be priories and non-discrimination-based service need to be render where every tourist can explore and use proper use of their time and money. Valuing every tourist’s time with proper plan can help us tremendously. Proper care and preservation of old heritage and proper working structure for handling all the components need to be taken care of. Use of electric public vehicle with minimum charge and accessibility of it need to be enhanced where every one can take advantage of and use of personal or private vehicles need to be reduced. No vehicle area for heritage site need to be adopted and cycling and walking need to be priories. Free use of internet, Public toilet and information desk in all major parts of city need to be incorporated and proper security along with digital CCTV as well as manual supervision need to be adopted which can enhance the reliability. Mobile van for prompt service as ambulance, security, problem fixing and such need to be adopted where service need to be reached within 5-30 min and solution need to be render within a day to a week.
If all this can be taken care of and handled with plan and proper structure than we can bring the innovation and development at the same pace.   


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