
Its You who Determine Your Success

Buddha once said, happiness is in your hand so don’t ever give it to ruin by someone’s word or behavior. Always compare yourself with yourself because one day we all have to die....
".... college level where we need to teach students to handle the failure.... "

Success is something that every people is hungry for and people have the strong desire and determination to make it prompt and practical. Today the world is changing so the definition of success is also changing, people’s perception and their desire is augmenting in such an extent that people themselves are dragging into the vessel of comparisons and making themselves fool by determining their success in reference to other people’s achievement. Today, most of the research have shown that many youths are prone to depression and every day many suicides incur as a result of it. Sometimes, we may feel shocked and our brain puzzled in some depression and suicide case, as we think the person was having the most which you measure it to be the success, in spite of such why they committed suicide or had depression. So, lets take the condition and make a proper definition of what exactly success is. If you ask me, I could say success is your inner satisfaction and your inner pleasure which no one can take away from you. For instance, you might have Bachelor’s degree and if someone misjudge you and tells you that he though you are not an educated person, that’s fine, you need to be happy that you got the chance to study and make it happen. Beauty is in the eye of beholder but before that you need to think that you are beautiful and once your heart takes it, no others comment can influence it. Take others comment positively but before that you are the key to make its final decision so make that system strong enough.  Same thing happen to me some years ago when I was proceeding to my office, I was too early as I had to prepare some question air for the office meeting, I saw a person who had a job of bringing newspaper to different office and the same person was there to do the job, our security guard was complaining about the newspaper that he brough two days ago as some pages were teared up and he was complaining the same, so he had to fill the form and give proper reason for the same so that guard can file it for future references. That person was making him aware about the situation that he had a small accident so the problem existed and that won’t be repeated again, Guard was unhappy and was shouting at him for his mistake and was saying you uneducated people don’t know how educated people work in this office and we have to hear a lot due to your silly mistake. All of the sudden, I just step down thinking the arguments might fired up but that guy apologize coolly and said he shall extend some days of subscription and asked the guard not to say he is uneducated as he had a graduation degree and he is doing extra job to sustain his family. Our guard immediately calm down and I suggest him that its ok, no work is perfect and we have to forgive certain circumstance. I offered the guy a tea and apologize for the guard behavior, he responded, its ok sir, I can understand, it was his job and I take this as a feedback as ultimately you people are my client and I need to accept my mistake, that was the day when Sushant Singh a Bollywood star had committed a suicide and I said him reviewing the newspaper that look who committed suicide, a celebrity with so much name, frame and asset did so. He smiled at me and said this is what happens when you have more expectation in life, the hidden secret of life is to make yourself happy for what you have but not to complain for what you don’t have. Look at me I am a graduate person and many people complain me for my job, but I am satisfied for what I am and I am thankful to god that at least I have proper health to do it and ideas to handle my deeds, I have a son and am doing all this so that he can study in good school and can have more wide vision than I have. I want my son to be good person who can do good and create opportunities to other needy, I do not want more money and fame but I want him to understand good things give you satisfaction and you need to be satisfied for what you do and you shouldn’t be judgmental about any person or any situation ever in your life, You need to take the positive feedbacks heartily and shouldn’t bother about the negative feedbacks as it also helps to enhance your way of thinking. Any misbehave or wrong feedbacks shouldn’t make any difference in your life, take it positively and pass it for future learning. As I know I have done graduation so it makes no difference to me when guard shouted saying uneducated person, my heart says look how people make a judgement from a cover but who knows what might be there inside the book. Sir, always remember that you compare yourself with a poor person in term of your financial status and always compare with intelligent person in term of your understanding and it gives you inner satisfaction and ways to learn more in life.  Then, he said thank you for offering me the tea and said I have to rush to other place for rapping up the job and asked me why you are so early in the office, Is your boss very strict? I smiled and said yes, he is and he replied me be happy for your situation, there are so many people who even do not have a job. I smiled and thanked him for teaching so precious lesson in my life and said that this is my company and I am the boss. He had a very scary look and said I am sorry if I said anything wrong, I thanked him again and said I feel proud for what you are as a human and said I learned a big thing from you, he immediately took his helmet and rush outside.
My heart and my brain had a brainstorming session after he left and I came in a conclusion yes, he was very much correct, people want more and more in their life, they are always unsatisfied for what they have in their life, they compare with others, make their heart unhappy simply comparing with others. If we start to think in a way and be thankful for whatever we have I think this is the best way to get yourself far away from the depression and make yourself safe from any such harsh situation in life. We can just think in a way that a beggar just wants enough money to sustain his family stomach, he feels happy for some small amount and is optimistic for tomorrow as well. Many youths today are dragging themselves in depression and many are committing suicide, if today we do not teach our offspring the ways to be happy and measures to adopt the ways of satisfaction than it would be difficult for us in future. Peoples desire is never ending, you achieve some benchmark and if you can’t be happy and feel proud for it than you might be dragging yourself to the same ambiguity route. I feel such education also need to be implemented in the schools and college level where we need to teach students to handle the failure and redefine failure for future success. Control the emotions in practical life and handle every situation with optimistic approach. Home is the first school for students where they learn the most and parents are always the best teachers so its my petition to all the parents that be happy for what your offspring are doing, make them feel proud for their small achievements, always direct them for small achievements and seek the happiness in the failure. The pressure and comparisons would never let improve the students and they never going to be happy irrespective of how much they achieve in their life. Buddha once said, happiness is in your hand so don’t ever give it to ruin by someone’s word or behavior. Always compare yourself with yourself because one day we all have to die and there is no alternative of it, make yourself happy and your surrounding starts to be happy from you.
At last, I wrote this article as I have seen the increase amount of depression in our society so, lets vow some good things and always try to give the good response to the people that you met, make people special about something and be happy and never forget to say, you make me learn so many things and thank you for that, Always have a though that “if any behavior of others make you timid than you also do not have a right to in act to others, Lets spread positivity to the world and appreciate for good things that people have rather than comparing for unnecessary deeds” Because you never know your one word might change someone’s life and change the way he thinks forever..


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