
Precise tips for Purchasing of land for construction and its engineering aspect

..We always recommend any clients to consider at least 5 different land before making the decision and make wise decision considering flexibility, econometry, accessibility, viability and sustainability of the land ...
"....25 lakh per anna but have to invest more than 40-60lakh extra duringConstruction"

Construction of building following all the parameters is one of the tough and time-consuming job to do but as the pressuring settlement of people in cities have also add up the challenges among people to find the best land for their settlement. Due to racketing of land price in major cities have render people in great confusion about which is the best place and land to purchase. Let me share you a small incident that landed to me around a years ago, one of my friends was interested in purchasing land in Kathmandu and he had made his final decision about the land after multiple researches. Before, conforming his final decision, he asked me to have the glance of the land and I though of helping him for his decision. When I went to the land, the land was in a sloppy area and he got that land in a competitive and economic price so, he had made his mind but when I was screening the land purchasing measures, I found the land not at all suitable for his settlement, I made him aware that purchasing the land might be very costly to him afterward and forwarded my engineering tips to him and focused to avoid it. He didn’t purchase it but after a year he said me, I didn’t purchase that land but another guy purchase it and he constructed the house but due to heavy rainfall and soil erosion in that place, his house is in the cliff and is likely to get washed away any time, how did you know this would happen ? It’s not how I knew but from today everyone would have a rough idea about the best land to be purchased, we engineer screen some of our basic engineering approach and make the decision accordingly. Its something, if you purchase a land in 25 lakh per anna but have to invest more than 40-60 lakh extra during construction due to its Terrence and other complication than how that land become economical for you, your todays approach gone influence your tomorrows deeds so today I would be forwarding some of the most important concept that you need to consider before purchasing any land. This simple tricks not only helps you to find the best land in town or anywhere but also helps you to tackle any future ambiguity.
The first consideration is about the Area and orientation of the land, it’s imperative to understand that we can’t buy land less than 2.5 anna anywhere or 6 dhur in terai, we always recommend for considering more possible areas as more area you have more planning you can take forward so we always ask our clients to consider at least 4 anna of land for best construction. The shape of the land also plays another vital role for you, Square or Rectangular land is the best for your construction but if the land is triangular, irregular or have a small breath than you need to rethink before considering such land. Then comes the road connectivity, the land with good road connectivity and facilities are the must. The basic rules say that minimum width of the road need to be 6 meter and for the 6-meter road you need to have a setback of at least 1.5 meter, if the road is dead end, road width of 4 meter is mandatory. For the land which do not have the up listed road width, you and your neighbor need to contribute to make it of stander width. For instance, if the road is just 4.5 meter than for such place you and your neighbor colloidally need to leave 1.5 meter extra for road along and extra 1.5 meter need to be leave individually during the construction additionally. Land in slope is another important parameters that need to be taken care of , it is always to be considered that sloppy land need to be avoided, your investment get augmented if such land would be considered if the slope is more than 15 degree than in such case, you shouldn’t consider that land at all, we always recommend that you can consider the land which is at least 100 meter away from the sloppy land and same applies for the land which is below the slope. The land which is being filled with soil also need to be taken care of, the land filled need to be given time and can also use load impact practice in which you can pile the load such as brick or such for certain time before construction, we recommend at least 6 month of such practice can help you tremendously.  Next, important consideration is the land near rivers, river might be seen small but when in peak rainfall season, the catastrophic can happen so its better to buy the land 100 meter away from river bank and as per the rules if the river is small, you need to have a setback of at least 10-30 meter and for big rivers it can plunge up to 60 meters. The next important consideration is High Tension line, many people do not consider such parameters and are being in trouble later on, for high tension line, if you can apply the same concept of buying the land 100 meter away can help you tremendously else the government rules is for up to 11KVA you need to have set back of 1.5 m from the center of high tension, for 11-22 KVA, you need to have set back of 3 m and for the 33KVA and above, the set back need to be of at least 15 meter so the high tension in and around need to be absorbed clearly before making the decision. If your land is surrounded by road in 3 side or 4 side or whatever it might be it is to be considered that setback of 1.5 meter is compulsory so land with many road connectivity can drag you in great ambiguity afterward so you need to be careful about such things.
These were some of the technical aspect that we consider before making the valuation and suggestion for our clients but there are more important parameters such as knowing history of land which is also equally important for ensuring if land belongs to guthi or such, land has any kind of unseen issues or not, For getting more in depth information connecting with the neighbors would be the best alternative, talking to your Neighbors (Sadiyar) is very important to know more about the land and also get connection with Neighbors which would be of great value afterwards. When you are done with these things, now it’s the time to conform the area of land in field and in documents so always Talley the blueprint, registration card (lal Purja) and field site area, conforming such can help you to negotiate with the land owner afterward. Verifying the condition of land and the people associated with it or any ambiguity can struck in future need to be linked up in Land department (Malpot Karyalaya), ensuring all these parameters can help you tremendously.
We engineer always recommend every client to make a checklist of all the parameters that has been up listed and make a tick and make the decision accordingly. If all these parameters can be ensured, you can buy the land with confidence, many people ask us the trick to purchase the land in economical way, if you can approach with this engineering approach, it also helps you to talk with the land owner and make the discount reflecting the drawbacks their land might have and meanwhile the areas where many facilities are nearby for instance, if your land is connected with good road and 500meter to 1 km away if land has a good facilities than you can bang that land in economical budget as within sort period your land would get all those access and it helps to assure your investment. It is one of the tricky ways to find the best land in economic budget. we always recommend any clients to consider at least 5 different land before making the decision and make wise decision considering flexibility, econometry, accessibility, viability and sustainability of the land...



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